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Did ‘Brand New Day’ Make Marvel’s Everyman Less Relatable?

It was in high school that my obsession with Peter Pan began. I was Captain Hook in our high school play, and Peter Pan—a part traditionally played by a woman—was played by long legs, blue eyes, and a dynamite smile. So, as to win her affections, I delved deep into the only thing I knew…

The line between comics as an art and as a hobby is blurry at best, and nonexistent at worst, and nowhere is this more evident than when you are sent down an insane and somewhat madness-inducing rabbit hole.  I am emerging from just such a rabbit hole. Captain America: Living Legend wasn’t much more than…

Think back, dear reader, of the headlines of the past few months. In the past few months, people have accused the police of brutality, our medical officials of malicious intent, and the leaders of the most powerful nation on earth of moral ineptitude. I don’t bring any of these claims up to give my personal…

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